Sunday, February 7, 2010

back after lots of ups and downs

Hi, I had a bad fall well actually an old chair fell apart while I was sitting on it. Yeah I know I am ribbed about it alot as I am overweight.Anyway I was hurt badly on my coccyx and spine. Bruising swelling cracking a bone or two and pain .It took me nearly a year to be able to move and then iIhad mild stroke (is there such a thing) followed by a hear attack . I figure it was becuase I hadn't been able to do much walking etc as I was in too much pain for too long. Of course my addiction to chocolate didn' t help.I am on the mend and active again and i feel well so I will be starting to do a lot more arty stuff as I will be able to sit and stand for longer without too much pain. Currently i am working on a mixed media piece and some where I have some progress pictures I hope I still have them.Will get them up soon.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Back from the edge

Well I am back creating. After depression brought on by Nursing my Mum with the help of my two sisters at her home until her death. I could not get motivated at all to create anything. My stuff just sat in my sewing room and my painting shed. I would walk in ,look around pick up and put down things and walk out. With the help of my good friend Mary Tressler Doll artist extrordanaire I went to CIF inin Alburquerque new Mexico WOW I had a ball met some lovely women who are so talented and made a doll with Mary's help.So there will be pictures and some chat about what I am doing. I am currently reading all I can about face painting for cloth dolls as I am not crash hot on this.
The trip was ok and there was turbulance on the plane but it did not bother me,this was my adventure and even though I was going alone and some of my friends thought I would gget lost I sort of did at the Alburquerque airport I missed the hat and as I had mislaid a suitcase. the one with the good stuff not the clothes, I was a bit distressed but I soldiered on and finally got to the hotel.There it was all good.I am going to bed as it is late and I am up early as we are having visitors tomorrow. it's cold here in Australia well it is in Victoria where I live so they should stay home ,but we will have fires good food and wine and fun planting 40 native trees and shrubs which is why they are coming as they bought them to put around our dam.I will take photos. Night all.

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Help, I must edit these messages as I am forgetting to use capitals and commas, hugs Marilyn

off to start my challenge piece

Hi, I am going to start my piece. Having a few ideas floating around like a busy bee means i am not too sure where i am really going with this theme until I start on the machine. This is fun,just the creative journey and the planning or not and the colors to choose wow i am off to do it bye for now Marilyn

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Life with a felting machine.

Hi, I have started this blog to talk about the needle felting I will be doing with my Janome Xpression.
So far I have made samples and put text with it to help me remember. I have a few senior moments as I am at the age where the sparkle of youth has passed and the silver of wisdom has arrived.
I love this machine it beats hand felting as I have RSI and have to be careful how much hand felting I do. I pay with pain if I overuse my hands and my right arm.I do mostly 3D work with the needle felting needles.
I am planning to make a jacket with needle felting trims for the winter.We have sheep on our small block of land and I have washed and wil card and dye some of it soon.